Sunday, November 06, 2005


AHHHHH, the old days of feature animation. This whole last week you've probably noticed that i've be quite absent. well, it was a real busy week with a lot of early mornings. I've been back at Warner Brothers Animation this week. and honestly i am thankful for the pay but the work is slightly boring. I've been doing Character Layouts, and in TV it's all about quantity NOT quality. So, i've been thinking back to those greats not so distant days
when i got paid to work on features. This photo right below is of the Looney Tunes: Back in Action crew. I was 20 when i was working on that thing. I'm wearing the navy blue shirt with the yellow letters in the top right. Eric Goldberg is in the bottom center.

Here's another one of me watching a little approval session with Jeff Sergey and another animator.

I'll try and dig up something cool to talk about soon... but for now i must jet. later!