Wednesday, July 19, 2006


hand drawn animation - video powered by Metacafe

Before i forget i DID NOT DEISGN THIS CHARACTER. This is Steven MaCleods of This character is from HIS film from CalArts this year. It's one of those designs that just roll off your pencil, really wonderful shapes! i love him Steve!

Here it finally is! In the next couple days i will go through it piece by piece and breakdown exactly how i approached this rough stage. Remember everyone, this is just a rough. There's a LOT tweeking that has to happen from here (mainly pulling things back a bit), this is just your heart and soul on the paper. the next step is refining it all in tie down. but look for my next post where i will break it all down for everyone. enjoy!


  1. Matt

    Thanks for the quick posts on breaking down a scene. It has been helping my own scene with a teapot.


  2. matt you are great buddy, keep goin this way we follow you

  3. Matt

    Got a question for you. At the point where the bear says "we've got better chances of playing pick-up sticks with our butt-cheecks" the camera zooms in. Was this deliperate to let the audiance see the bears facial exprestions?

  4. Actually Kevin, i think that was something MetaCafe does on it's own. I wish i could upload larger file sizes to Vimeo cuz they seem to always play stuff correctly. Youtube always speeds my animation up, and it seems like sometime metacafe speeds stuff up too. Like i said i'd do Vimeo but they only allow 30 mg and this shot is 111 uncompressed, 44 compressed. So, if anyone knows of a more reliable program that can post up to 150 MG's or so let me know!

  5. Matt

    Well for me I plan on spending the 22 bucks to get quick time 7 and beable to show my work that way. I don't know about the file size yet, I'll have to get back to you on that one.


  6. Hey Matt just wanted to say that your post have been very helpful and informative I've learned alot from stopping by here hope to keep on learn keep posting the awesome info take care and thanks !!!

  7. Wow man, your my absoloute faviroute artist/animator on all of the blog world lol, i'm a 15 year old aspiring artist/animator, your stuff is just amazing! Anyway if ya got any time pop down my blog :-p bye!

  8. thanks for all of the encouragement everyone! I am glad so many people seem to be getting a lot from this series! bare with me, i've been trying to get the newest post with pictures up but blogger WILL NOT allow me to post my pictures! frustrating-- so, here's hoping i get this post up soon!

  9. Anonymous9:57 PM

    This is so charming! Great acting! :)
