Thursday, September 07, 2006

another plug: Andrew Shek

Whilst i grind away on free-lance and preparing future tutorials take a look at this blokes blog! Andrew Shek . Sometimes there are people that just understand something, in this case, it's design. I've always kinda had bland, sucky designs so when i see someones work like Andrew it always makes me wanna work harder at getting better with design. Take a look!
And heck while your at it take a look at this girls blog too! Robin Hall at She too very obviously has a gift for design and puts me to shame man!


  1. Hey cool - plugs for two Sheridan students and two good friends!

    Seriously though, they both deserve the praise!

  2. LOL, It so funny to see Robin's drawing on your blog . I wasn't aspecting it. When i click on your link and saw her drawing of the girl with the cat. I thought their was some mistake and i was taken to Robin's blog instead.

    anyways it nice to see thet her work is appreciate.

  3. Yeah, i appreciate both of their stuff- even though i am only a wee bit older than them i still see encouraging younger artists as HUGELY important!

  4. These are really nice designs.

  5. Man, Matt! Putting your designs to shame's just hogwash, haha!

    I've been without internet for the past little while, when cookedart told me you'd linked me. I'm honoured! I mean, a big huge thankyou doesn't come close in return for shocked joy.

    but THANKYOU, Matt, you rock everyone's socks. How young does that sound, haha!

    Keep up the amazing art, and the great breakdown that's been going on, we're all watching it, hungry to learn what you have to say!

  6. Your very welcome Robin! It's my pleasure! Thanks for your kind words about my work-- it's getting a little better day by day, i hope :) but seriously, you keep up your great work! It's inspiring!

  7. hey Matt,

    thanks for the mention, so great to see someone as talented as yourself liking my work. Your animation is spectacular, very inspiring!

  8. naw, no problem Andrew! you're swfully talented, if i actually had any influence in this industry i'd totally wanna get the likes of you and Robin down here in Feature Animation-- maybe someday!

  9. beautiful and elegant illos!! The bottom piece is simply lovely!
