The film was a good experience for me. I've only ever really animated, some of what I did at Laika involved design but not to this extent. This film was kinda like designing with training wheels on. I've never been impressed with my own drawing ability, so this was a little scary but it's not like I had to invent the shape language or anything. Like I said, I just had to follow what Shane and Shannon so eloquently set up. I guess it was really more of a matter of living up to what they did, and also somehow getting everything past our creative executive. Not an easy challenge... can someone tell me why people with business degree's insist they know how to make films? I don't get it--
So what's next? Who knows, hopefully something involving animation for a change!
P.S If anyone care's I've finally started updating my portfolio and reel blog. Click HERE to check it out, it's still being updated but it'll give you a little taste of things!
That guy is awesome! Nice shapes and great character.
ReplyDeleteLooks great man!
ReplyDeleteBeeaauutiful lines man, great stuff!
ReplyDeleteIs this supposed to have an Al Hirschfeld look about it... or is that just a happy accident?
ReplyDeleteYour work is inspirational!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
Bobby: Thanks man, I appreciate that a lot!
ReplyDeleteAlan: Thanks to you too! I am loving your drawings!
Andy: Thanks so much!
Erik: well, I guess not intentionally. I mean, I wasn't studying Hirschfeld or anything. It just sorta came out, and was sorta natural for the shape language I felt.
ellie: Thanks a ton! I am glad you all are enjoying it!
ReplyDeletewhoah, im blown away by all the awesome stuff in your portfolio. awesome awesome awesome i dont know what else to say.
ReplyDeleteyou inspire me.
Ok, sorta happy accident... but really just a natural expression of direction in design.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but just couldn't help but make the connection. I had to google Hirschfeld and check, and sure enough there is some interesting correspondence.
You obviously have your own voice. Just stating one person's observation. And I like it.
loving the curvilinear forms. I don't know but for some reason my mind keeps referring back to "Class of 3000" Maybe its just because they both have curvy forms
ReplyDeleteHey, This looks really good. One crit i would have is that his legs are very weak compared to the quality from his torso up. I really dont think they suit and i would prefer his feet to be more concentrated to the ground. Just a healthy crit, i dont mean to offend. I've just started my first short 2months ago.
keep up the excellent work man. Ill be watching :)
I love this character. Really cool!!
ReplyDeleteThx for the tutorials and thoughts on animation. It's all very inspiring.
Nice Page!
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