Thursday, May 08, 2008

Walt Disney Animation Studios

  It has been a LOOOONG haul. It has been a lot of years, a lot of wondering, waiting, and perseverance but the day has finally come that I can announce that I will finally be starting at Disney Animation as a hand drawn animator. 
  It's a looooong story as well, which perhaps in time I will tell on this blog, but for now, I celebrate! See you at the Producers Show!


  1. Congratulations man !!! All the best over there :-)

    HONK -


  2. Congrats!!! I've been following this blog for over a year now and to see you heading to Disney, and 2-D returning to the big screen is just such an inspiration. There's just so much happening and so much to look forward to! Yay Animation, Yay Art, Yay Matt!!!

  3. I knew you would make it in!! How could you not, seriously?!

    Congratulations Matt! You stuck with 2D, and now you're finally achieving your dream. Thats completely inspiring.

  4. Congratulations!! This is awesome news! I've been coming to your blog for a while and it's so great to see that you get to continue doing hand drawn animation.

    Your work is really wonderful, and you so deserve this. YAAY ^^

  5. congrats matt! dream it, live of luck!


  6. Dude. My breath... I can't catch my breath!

    That's so awesome!


  7. Awesome Congrats!!! Well deserved.

  8. Congrats! That's awesome! Please, keep posting!

  9. Congratulations!!! :)

    Best of luck!

  10. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Congratulations Matt,

    Ive read your blog from afar for a good while now, like most here, and its been totally inspiring to see you keep on working at 2d, no less sharing your knowledge to help us all improve..

    What with Chomet's film in full swing over here in Edinburgh and chugging along nicely, and Disney on the 2d bandwagon too, lets hope its the start of more to come....

    Again, congratulations! and have fun!

  11. Ah, the dream job ! (I know it was mine) .

    Congratulations, Matt !

  12. Hi Matt!
    Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing you at work!

    Bert Klein

  13. lluis: Thanks so much!
    Matt: Thanks for your kind words! It is definately an exciting time.
    Bobby: Thanks for your vote of confidence! And thanks for your support!
    Bianca: Thank you! HAnd drawn is just too cool NOT to continue!
    Joe: Thanks man! I always remember the Calabash days with so much fondness! I miss you guys--
    Sugar: Thanks man, me too!
    Justin and Kevin: Thanks guys! I'll try to post as much as I can.
    Cesar': Thank you!
    Prwilliames: I know I know, hand drawn is still very much alive, just maybe not in the states as much as elsewhere. I sure hope this film can change that! Thank you for your kind words and for visiting the blog even when I don't post much of anything!
    David: Thank you so much!
    Bert: Thank you so much for the kind words Bert! Am looking forward to seeing you at work too! missed ya at the Producers Show though :(

  14. Congrats Matt, awesome news! Makin' dreams come true, you'll do great!!!

  15. Awesome man! I'd love to hear your take on how you're adapting to a paperless studio. The opportunity is certainly well deserved! Here's to hopefully meeting someday now that we're under the same corporate umbrella.

  16. Lou:
    Thanks so much man! We are actually still using paper and pencil thankfully! A MAJOR victory, for now-- I know they seem pretty keen and using them for "the next" one. Whenever that happens. But yeah, if you're ever down here look my office up!

  17. Wow! That's awesome, congratulations man!

  18. Congratulations!!
    I hope I can join you in the future. All the best!

    -your blog fan Dan

  19. congratulations matt, you deserve! I am very happy for you!

  20. yeahhh! woot! nice job mate! I can't wait to see your name in some credits :D

  21. Good for you man. They are lucky to have you!

  22. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Haha !! I knew it man !! I'm sooo happy for you that you got it! You are just the right man in the right studio in the right position !
    Congratulations !

    Hopefully I can follow you soon. Still waiting for my answer from them ;o)

    Who knows maybe I'll see you there.


  23. Wow mr. Real Disney Artist!
    Can I get a signiture?

    -no.1 fan

  24. awesome news!

    congrats! Glad to hear that they are still using pencil and paper- bg are all digital now which I can't tell if I enjoy that or not. Few of my friends are on that proj and it seems like its going pretty well!

  25. Dude, that is awesome! Are you going to be working directly with Glen Keane? Congrats again you deserve it.

  26. i'm so so pleased for you! congrats man! nothing makes me more happier than to here that someone has had there dream realised!

    enjoy it man. you deserver it!

  27. YEAH!

    Way to go! Do some great work there and help bring Disney out of their funk!

  28. Wow!!! Congrats Matt. I wish you the best. Keep 2D alive and well man.


  29. it's a great news Congratulations Matt all the dest for you fewture :) hope you will have tmie to up load some coooooool work :)

  30. Congratulations!!!
    You must feel like you're in Heaven!!!


  31. Dude, I'm so happy for you. I hope you have a long and fruitful career there.

    When do you actually start? I'd love to come down and check out the studio again, bring you my latest test. Feels kinda weird having not seen you in a few weeks.

    Hope Iris is doing well.

  32. For your giving nature and willingness to support so many bloggers with your invaluble advice and experience. I cant think of anyone more deserving of a realised dream. Congratulations to you and your family Matt. Well deserved. Your news has just charged my batteries.

  33. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Congrats dude! Your willingness to stick with 2d paid off.

  34. hey Matt...

    that is great news man. You are going to get to work with a lot of good people. I am jealous that you get to work with one of my animation inspirations and friend Bruce S. Man man..that must be a good feeling. Rejoice in the moment and know that life is good man.

  35. Man, I've been watching your blog for years! Your awesome animation clips kept me going through some rough patches in college and continue to inspire me today. It's great to hear that Disney has finally taken you onboard, a brilliant animator. Help show why traditional animation kicks butt!

  36. congratulations!!!

  37. congratulations from Italy!! Valentina.

  38. WOW congrats! your work is awsome!

  39. fantastic news. hope disney will be all you hoped for and more!

  40. So glad to hear it! Wow, so happy Disney nabbed you so we get to see your talent on the big screen again soon.

    Thanks for posting all your tests in the past.

  41. yeaaaah congratulations matt! i stop by that studio on my lunch break every now and then for the life drawing sessions we should meet up some time...

  42. Awesome, congrats Matt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. Thanks for the kind words and congratulations everyone! Something that has been made clear to me is that I certainly do not deserve this position, but I intend to earn it while I am there! Thanks again everyone!

  44. Hey Matt! Congratulations for getting the job at Disney! Your animation is great so I'm sure you will do very well there, man!

  45. CONGRATS!!! That's just AWSOME!!!!!!!!:D

  46. Congratulations! :) That is WONDERFUL news!!!

  47. I congratulated you once...but now I must do it again. Congrats Matt...kick ass and make my jaw drop!

  48. awesome...I cant wait to read about this story.
