Saturday, September 12, 2009


Have been scanning a whole bunch of drawings lately to catelog them on my computer. Came across these and thought I'd post'em. I think I was reading something about Cortez when I drew these. Enjoy!


  1. I really like the first 2,
    btw do you think your going to put up any more tutorials?

  2. Omar: I'd really like to start doing some tutorials again. Is there any request for a topic?

  3. Great Designs! What are those dots at the end of his eyebrows and hair? Dirt?

  4. Those are great, Matt.

  5. Dude, these are sweet! I'd like to see a tutorial on how you handle drag and overlap in your animation.

  6. Well a while back you posted up a tutorial that seemed to me like your approach to a scene yet it never was completed.

    Maybe you could go back to that?
    Also I know I wouuld love if you just put up a camera of you animating and describing what your doing.
    I'd pay to just watch someone like eric or glen just animate a scene.

  7. Hi Matt,

    Great design, I loved, congrats.

  8. great character, love the posing.

  9. I think that is one of my favorite things in some characters...EXTREMELY skinny ankles. I have always liked that contrast. Keep grinding Matt!

  10. nice design! I really like the brought out his personality.=D
    Do you think you could give me some critique on my character designs?

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