Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Untitled Film

About 2 years ago I did some design work for an untitled feature for Laika. I don't think it's getting made so I thought I'd post'em here...


  1. I really love your line and how you simplify shapes.

  2. These are cool. The last one is my favorite, good pose and loose lines.

  3. You're back!

    Your design sensibilities work very well with Laika's projects. I hope they use you for future projects.


  4. Hey Matt,

    Really nice drawings, man!
    I love the shapes you got in these and it's a very interesting character you created.



  5. XAV: Thanks man! I appreciate it, I would love to go back over these and simplify and clarify them even more!

    Vince: Thanks dude...

    BJ: Thanks dude-- I am actually going back up there in march to work with Jan Pinkeva and Lou Romano... should be a good opportunity for an artistic spanking!

    Snadro: Thanks bud! Like I said to XAV, I'd LOVE to go back over these now and make them better. Aww well, such is life and learning! How are you man? What's up with that project we were talking about?

  6. freakin dope man! I love the shapes that you are pushing.

  7. very inspiring work

    you are in my favourite blog

  8. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Sketches are very very nice. Appealing work.

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