Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Getting on with life

So let's get on with the fun! Something about blogs that has always bothered (and that I have admittedly fallen into) is this sort of egocentrism of posting stuff for the entirely wrong reasons. Mainly, to get compliments and praise.

Praise is a natural desire, but I don't feel it should be the focal point of any artist. Now switch gears real quick with me... how many of you are afraid of your sketchbook like me? I often put such unnecessary pressure on myself to make every page "perfect". Well, the more I do this stuff the more I realize that art is not about perfection, but about honesty. Honesty can seem like such a vague word, but in short it's about communicating your raw unadulterated feeling on whatever you are seeing, reading, absorbing from life around you and reinterpreting it in the way you feel/see it. Could I draw these better if I put another sheet on top and reworked them? Will there be folks who sees these and aren't impressed? Of course, but that's not the point! The point is motive, and the motive is honesty and sincerity.

I certainly won't argue that basic drawing isn't important to the communication of your feelings, but sometimes we get too concerned with the mastery of the visual presentation. Sometimes there is a raw feeling communicated in the most crude of drawings that I hardly if ever see in extremely refined drawings. So don't be afraid to make mistakes and show'em to people. Remember, they ain't perfect either... what matters is you communicating your feelings, even if that left arm is a little too long.


  1. hehe, nevertheless, great drawings. :)

  2. These loose sketches are wonderful!!

    I share the same tentativeness when it comes to my own work too. Whenever the temptation to put too much emphasis on technique becomes too much to overcome, I think of one of my favourite Walt Stanchfield quotes:

    Form - Expression = Depression

    Also, thanks for sharing your honest thoughts on your previous work experience. I have dreamed of going to that studio for over 20 years now. As reality has it, sometimes these dreams don't come easily. So I 'live' it through people such as yourself. Good or bad, I want to know all about it. I'm glad someone has the courage to tell it like it is :)

  3. NikhitaL Hah! Thanks!

    Chan: I grew up on Walt Stanchfield so that quote means a lot to me!
    I am glad you got something from the earlier post. The thing no one knew was that it was going to be a 2 part post, one being constructive criticism and the other being praise. I wish CartoonBrew had asked my permission before posting because I would have been able to explain that in advance. Oh well... I stand behind everything I wrote. I, like many people, grew up being obsessed with being a Disney Animator. Over the years as I grew as an artist and realized that there is a MUCH bigger world of filmmaking out there the more I came to realize how limited thing are at not just Disney but the industry as a whole. It makes me sad because Walt's early years, when he was REALLY focused on developing the ARTFORM of animation were amazing and who knows where he would have gone had WW2 not broken out. So many people in the industry say "well, we (Disney) are known for Princess films. Actually, not since the 1990's. Before that the true legacy was in the original 4 or 5 films Walt made.

  4. I knew there was more to that post! Seemed like there were more you wanted to say!

    Maybe you could've tried posting the praises first to make the critiques easier to swallow :)

  5. Jacob Boelman7:18 PM

    Matt, I like most of the sketches. I understand what you are saying about roughs sometimes carrying more of the raw emotions then when you clean them up. It reminds me of the Transformation of the Beast, in Beauty and the Beast. I am not trying to dis clean up artists at all, but there was a power in the rough animation of that scene. Being able to see Glen Kean's actual individual strokes was something else. I actually think that aspect is one of the streangths of 2D animation that can't be carried into CG animation. Honesty being key is a GREAT reminder.

    As I said on the post you deleted, appreciated your animation on Princess and the Frog. I think it was actually a good movie, but I understand completely you wanting to have a project that was pushing the medium forward rather then going backwards.

    What you said about Disney and Princess and the Frog was quite gutsy, but I don't think it was the wrong way to go. Of course there will be people who choose to take what you said the wrong way, but I could definitely see your heart for Disney in what you were saying. It seemed like a good wake up call for Disney and created a very interesting duologue on Cartoon Brew.

    Would of LOVED to hear the second part of your post, I think that would of made your intentions way more clear. Sorry that so many seem to have abused and twisted what you have said. I think the information you gave me will be useful for my preparation of the future.

    Thanks Again!

  6. Jacob: Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. Honestly my essay wasn't really a criticism of the film PFrog but rather the ideology behind it. An ideology that says "hey, let's go back to what people used to like about us and try and recreate it". While I suppose that seems a natural way of thinking I believe there was an opportunity to totally reinvent this art form after a hibernation period, and it didn't happen. But, as I said before, my critique was not on PFrog (or Ron and John for that matter, who I love!) but the infrastructure and current underlying system at Disney Animation Studios.
    I do intend to eventually get the praise part out. I would love for Brew to post it but I doubt they will... not as interesting as the criticism, plus people on that site love ripping into all things Disney. Even when that is not the authors intent. Thanks again for leaving a comment!

  7. hey awesome stuff.. i've always wanted to see your loose, raw, uncut sketches.. and now i can.. I always like seeing how another artists.. flows.. with their lines..

    I hope you post more like this.

  8. I like the animal sketches and the line work, very nice!

  9. Ada sebagian orang mempercayai bahan tradisional seperti kunyit asam , manjakani , jahe , asam jawa dan sebagainya untuk cara menggugurkan kandungan 100 berhasil dengan bahan alami
    , apakah semua itu hanya sebuah mitos atau memang fakta ? Terlepas dari fakta atau mitos yang perlu anda ketahui tindakan cara gugurin kandungan merupakan suatu tindakan yang penuh resiko tinggi dan berbahaya . Apalagi untuk cara menggugurkan kandungan 3 bulan yang mana usia kandungan sudah mulai kuat . Maka dari itulah , sebaiknya konsultasi saja ke dokter spesialis kandungan . siklus menstruasi yang terjadi pada tubuh wanita berulang setiap 28-30 hari sekali . Apakah wanita juga mengalami mimpi basah ? . Sebagai lelaki tidak boleh egois dalam melakukan hubungan intim , perempuan juga ingin mengalami klimak dalam melakukan hubungan intim . Lantas , bagaimana cara membuat wanita cepat keluar agar dapat membahagiakan pasangan .

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    Ưu đãi hấp dẫn khi in tại công ty In Nguyễn Gia
    Các dịch vụ:
    in tui giay gia re
    in to roi gia re
    in sách giá rẻ
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    - Miễn phí thiết kế hóa đơn chuẩn theo quy định
    - Giảm giá, chiết khấu hấp dẫn với khách hàng tiềm năng & khách in số lượng lớn.
    - In nhanh chóng, miễn phí in test
    - Giao hàng tận nơi, đúng hẹn.

  11. Kiến trúc nội thất số 1 là đơn vị chuyên thiết kế và thi công sửa chữa nhà ở chuyên nghiệp tại Hà Nội. Với nhiều hạng mục chúng tôi đã thực hiện như :
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    sửa chữa nhà cấp 4, sửa chữa nhà chung cư, nâng cấp nhà ở, xây mới, làm gác lửng hay sơn sửa nhà.. Sửa chữa nhà theo yêu cầu, miễn phí tư vấn và thiết kế nội thất chuyên nghiệp.
