Monday, April 24, 2006

Welp, one down , one to go!

hand drawn animation on Vimeo

This one is DONE! Hopefully the player will play this one correctly at 24fps unlike the last one. hope you all enjoy!


Matt Williames said...

oh ok, i'll try that! thanks!

Aaron said...

Lookin' sharp as ever.....

What software do you use to put all this together? The drawings the images and the audio? Just curious.

Matt Williames said...

I use digicel all in one! sorry about not writting you back yet aaron, have been SOOO busy with this stuff.

samacleod said...

Awesome! That's a great player! Great quality and of course, as always, top notch animation, Matt. And definitely subtle ;)

BrandonBeckstead said...

Wow this is really nice Matt. I just wish I could frame by frame it. It would be fun to study.

Ali said...

Really, really nice.

If you download the avi you can frame by frame it in quicktime.

Matt Williames said...

thanks guys, yeah, i like the new player better too! only bummer is that the file sizes it allows are much much smaller than youtubes... oh well i guess!
Steve, your always an encouragement-- it's been one of those weeks, ya know, the kind when you need someone to pick you up and dust you off and throw you back on the horse!

Heath said...

awesome Matt! Keep going brotha.

Q/Minkyu said...

Holy CRAP!
Matt this is really great stuff. We(our class) need to squeeze out all of your animation wisdome and knowledge!

Cookedart said...

Thank you for posting these

Your animation is amazing!

I can see the hard work put into these - most people don't realise how much time animation takes!

Please post more!

Emmanuelle.Walker said...

As a beginning animator in the industry, I'm stunned! You are an amazing artist, and a great inspiration! :) ... I think I watched your animation like fouteen thousand times... hehe.